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Used Bikes: Top Tips for Buying Used Bikes

Buying used bikes can be a daunting task for some people, especially if you are not a regular rider (yet). However buying used makes a lot of sense, especially if you are getting back into riding or this is a new venture for you. Saying that, we get some excellent almost new bikes on our sites, as well as bikes that have been refurbished by local pro’s.

Here is a little starting point for you if you are about to buy a used bike.

used bikes

Found on the Sites

#1- Decide What You Need

A key element to finding just the right used bike is to know exactly what you’re looking for. Do you need something that will go super-fast, something for rougher terrain, or will anything with handles suffice? Ask yourself some important questions to pinpoint which style of ride you actually need. If you are not sure, don’t be shy about asking people you know like to ride, or ask in a local bike store for some tips. And hey, there’s this thing called the internet, so do a bit of research first.

#2- Local Bikes For Sale?

We love local! If you can find a bike that’s in your area, it means that you won’t need to commute very far to check it out and see if it’s the right used bike for you. Head to the Sporting Goods category on your local site, select the subcategory, Bikes, and then use our “Search Ads” feature to pick your location to display the bikes for sale in your area.

#3- Shop Around

If you go and see a bike and it’s just not what you’re looking for, don’t be afraid to turn down the offer. Finding the right used bike for your needs is top-priority. Shop around, and the right bike will appear. Usually on our sites, people tend to give a pretty good description of what they’re selling, but if you are still not sure, an email or phone call doesn’t hurt, that way you get more details without wasting anyone’s time.

#4- Keep Checking Back

Sometimes, when shopping online for used bikes, the bike you’re really hankering after might not be there. But don’t give up, simply sign up for an alert and you will be notified when the item you are looking for is listed on your local site. It’s super simple, the alert button is on the right hand side of your screen as you browse each category, just underneath the map feature button, click on that and follow the instructions.

#5- Test Them Out

It’s always a good idea to ride the bike that you plan on buying. Sometimes, a bike looks great on the road and in pictures, but then you get on it and you feel like you’re riding an untamed horse. Other times, the bike and you just meld together ever so flawlessly. You don’t know until you try. So jump on and take a spin around the block, see if it’s the bike for you!

#6- Get the Details

Ask important questions. Has the bike ever been tuned-up? Has the bike ever been in any major accidents? Has the bike only had one owner? All of these things will help you determine the value of the used bike and whether or not it’s worth the money you will invest in it. You can ask these questions in a phone call or email before you take a look.

#7- See the Big Picture

If the only thing the bike you’ve found needs is a little bit of love and a little bit of chain grease, then snatch it up and jump on the opportunity to buy a great used bike that just needs a few touch-ups. In saying that, don’t buy something that’s not worth the money spent. Buying used should get you something decent and even fabulous. Check with your local bike repair shop to find our what they charge for any repairs you will need.

#8- Compare Prices

Take a look online at the used bikes for sale, and then take a look at their prices when bought new. It’s important to see that you’re getting a good deal because, well, that’s what buying used is all about.

#9- Prepare to Barter

If you know how much money the bike for sale should cost, then you’re in a good situation for bartering on the price. It doesn’t take a professional to barter; all you need to do is feel confident in your knowledge and then present a fair price. It will either be accepted or declined, and that’s that. We find that a lot of people on our sites are looking to barter. Yup, it’s fun for some!

#10- Bring a Friend

If you’re simply not comfortable seeing bikes for sale online and running out the door on your own, asking a friend to come along for the ride could help. Bring a friend who knows a little about bikes and you’ll be in a great position to find something that works for you.

Find used bikes in your area.

Marketing Manager at Lover of yoga, bees, red wine, rock n roll music, good books and mountain views.

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