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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Seller’s Lists

A new feature? Sounds kind of scary but don’t worry, it’s not.

We’ve added a new Seller’s List to our site! What is a Seller’s List? It’s a feature that allows sellers to group their ads together and present a neat storefront on the site.

Creating a seller’s list allows you to make a subdomain as well (for example, mine would probably something along the lines of You can also write a description for you seller’s list, which can include HTML code (if you’re computer savvy, unlike me, you can use this to ad a logo, for example).

This feature allows multiple people to participate in one mylist through the use of keywords (in this case, hashtags eg. #eden). The main idea behind this feature is to help people that are raising money for charity or working together for a common cause. Pretty cool, right?

So how do you make optimal use of this magnificent feature? When you’re creating an ad you can do the following three things:

  1. Create a “tag” for this Seller’s List. This tag has to be unique (no other Seller’s List can have the same one!). The tag has to begin with the # symbol. For example, #eden or #alaska.
  2. You can decide whether or not you want to display the total amount of money raised. This is the sum of all of the prices of this Seller’s List which have been marked as SOLD (this only goes back one year).
  3. Then you can decide if you want to display the total amount of money pledged. This is the sum of all of the prices currently displayed in this Seller’s List.

If you’re an ad owner and you’d like to participate in a Seller’s List, here are three more steps:

  1. Post or edit an ad including the tag (eg. #eden, #alaska) in the description field of the ad.
  2. After posting the ad we will ask you if you want to link your ad to the Seller’s List that has that tag. If you confirm that you do want to link your ad, your ad will show your ad in their Seller’s List.
  3. To remove this link, you simply need to remove the tag from the description of your ad. Easy peasy!


Student, future entrepreneur, blogger, traveler, soccer player, writer, amateur yogi, creativity enthusiast, fashion devotee.

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