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From wash stand to play kitchen

We’re completely smitten with the cute upcycle submitted by site user Christa Bateman. She swears it was cheap and easy!

“We got an old wash stand off our local UsedEverywhere site, re-purposed it (with a few more goodies purchased off UsedEverywhere, as well as our local re-store) and spent a whopping $80 turning a wash stand into my son’s 3rd birthday gift. Couldn’t have done it without you!:)”

Lovely job, Christa and thank you for sharing this! Suddenly the cheap-o plastic play kitchen I was going to pick up for my two-year-old looks…well, cheap and plasticky.  Now to make friends with someone who owns power tools…

Chatter from the UsedHQ. We're the number one Canadian online classifieds, passionate about keeping items out of landfills, preserving unique curiosities, crafting, upcycling, anything vintage and SAVING MONEY!

One Response to “From wash stand to play kitchen”


This is fab. You can also use a TV stand if it is small enough or if you are handy with your friend’s power tools, you can just get some old wood. My friend made one for their kid at christmas… cds for the oven burners, guitar knobs et al. It is amazing!


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