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Beating the Summer Heat Used-style

Oh MY God! The hot hot weather has finally hit us here on the West Coast.  Now, I admit wholeheartedly that we are wimps when it comes to extreme weather, mostly because we only have to endure a few hot days a year…the rest of the time we are content in your luke warm existence! Our idea of what is actually hot actually is very different from everyone else in Canada (nod your head if you’re from Ontario, Nova Scotia or Manitoba!)

As I’m a Westcoaster and therefore unable to handle real heat, I decided to start hunting on for some “cool” ways to keep from overheating this summer.

So here are some of the things I found that might keep you cool and happy:

It was like the clouds parted and a ray of coolness beamed down on me when I saw this portable air conditioner.  We do have an air conditioner but it’s in our son’s room as his room is in our very hot, poorly insulated, converted attic. I admit I’ve been sneaking up to his room while he sleeps just to get a reprieve from the heat!


We all NEED  a margarita maker in case of a stressful day…so I guess you’ll be using it daily! Personally, I think this one can be classified as a rain or shine item.

And what about the kids? We’ve got them cover with this Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker! Not only does it make ice cream, it also makes sorbet and frozen yogurt. The flavour ideas are endless!

I hope these finds have helped you figure out some ways to stay cool this summer and I’d love to hear of any other ways I can avoid the 10 days of heat we must endure in the West!

Community Coordinator at, blogger, social media junkie, proud mama, fabulously frugal, proud to be from our beautiful city!

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