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Similar soles, similar souls?

Looking around the office the other day, I noticed – between the randomly strewn pumpkins and halos – a pretty awesome team of employees!   *Pause for the audience to “awwwww”*

Then, as my eye wandered I saw that those who were chatting together had similar shoes!  Strange?  Maybe not… my theory is that your lifestyle lies in your shoes.  And more importantly, in your work shoes!  Sure, on the weekends you’ll wear runners for sports and heels for dinner out.  But work is where you really show your personality.  It’s where you most likely spend most of your time!

Are you a practical wearer, who needs to be able and run errands around town in a moment’s notice?  Or are you a look-like-how-you-want-to-feel wearer, who can sacrifice a few bucks to drive to work in order look reallyREALLYreally ridiculously GOOD-looking?  Or are you somewhere in between like me, who wears heals and a skirt one day and jeans and runners the next?

Either way, I awkwardly walked around the office today talking pictures of shoes in order see if I have a point!  Pictures below – enjoy 🙂

1. Professional. Polished. Slip-ons.

*these people are in and out of the office and bring their practical get-it-all-done shoes with them!

2. One of these things is not like the others…

*though these people do all work hard/ play hard, not sure if my shoe theory applies

3. Caj comfy slip-ons.

* these two are walkers. to and from work. need something sturdy.

4. Super caj and wonderfully trendy!

* these two are the lively ones that give us our online trends of the day

So at the end of the day, how did I do?

1. Yes I think my theory applies to the practical lot. 1 point.

2. One outlier… isn’t there a statistical calculation that can make that one disappear and my theory correct? 0 points.

3. Caj walkers might have been a stretch. I’ll give myself a half point there. 1/2 point.

4. Yes I think my theory again to the trendsters but not sure if I get a full point. 1/2 point.

2 out of 4. won’t quit my day job.

One Response to “Similar soles, similar souls?”

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sean Toohey, UsedEverywhere. UsedEverywhere said: Charlotte had a thought… do people with similar shoes have similar souls? Here's what she deduced – ^MC […]


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