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Diary of a wannabe runner

The countdown is on to the Goodlife Fitness Victoria Marathon and its official – I’m committed now and plan to run the half-marathon. And, to solidify my commitment publicly I’ll be posting a weekly blog every Thursday about my progress or lack thereof.

You may wonder why I’m doing this. I’m running it because goals are good to have “big or small” and running helps me to focus energy, stress, anxiety and frustration into a physical outlet. I’m a better mom, wife, employee and friend when my body is moving and my heart is pumping. And I’m sharing this experience with you because like me, you may be struggling with finding the time and energy to get out there and do it. It will be hard, but so worth it.

Game ON and stay tuned!

I live in sweats and slippers. I drink too much coffee. I'm afraid of heights. I love to cook. I love to eat. Running is my therapy. My garden is my temple. My shoe collection is my pride and joy. My family is everything.

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