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Your #FirstCrush

Remember your #FirstCrush?

Was it a convertible car you dreamed of owning as soon as you hit 16? Maybe it was the cute girl at school who never looked your way. Or did you cry every time Corey Hart came on the radio, because you just loved him so so much? Tell us, did you have a #FirstCrush?

Twitter #firstcrush


Remember when 

When you think back to those times of yore, do you miss them? Have you kept any memorabilia that reminds you of your glory days? Perhaps a yellow Sony walkman (links to universal portable audio – there is a Sony sports on Ottawa!) is loitering in your closet, or your kids now play with your first generation Ninja Turtles Maybe if I say, “NKOTB,”  you scream, “Joey!” and explain the last time you saw them was months ago rather than years. Ah, sweet nostalgia.

Do you hang on to those special memories or sell them? Maybe you’re hunting for some retro relics to remind you of the good old days.

Our #FirstCrush video sums up how tokens of the past stir up strong memories…the good, the bad, and the downright embarrassing!




So I put it to the UsedHQ. “Did you have a #FirstCrush or a childhood obsession that still evokes strong memories?” The responses varied from the cartoon character Hercules who “gave me a soft spot for tough guys who have big hearts and help people” to a VW Cabriolet, “I wasn’t old enough to drive it yet so, my friends and I would ask my mom to drive us around town, top down, with a CD blasting.”

Also in there were obsessions with Star Wars, Leif Garrett, Richard Chamberlain, and probably the sweetest; a four-year-old’s crush on a white denim adorning 10-year-old, who she went on to marry a mere thirty years later.

Now it’s your turn. Share!

Chatter from the UsedHQ. We're the number one Canadian online classifieds, passionate about keeping items out of landfills, preserving unique curiosities, crafting, upcycling, anything vintage and SAVING MONEY!

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